Importing GPX Files

  1. Open up the GPX Manager - on the PC this is the GM icon on the toolbar.

  1. The left hand side of the window lists your folders. In the screenshot above they are Hills, Lakes and My Routes. The right hand side lists the GPX files inside the selected folder - in the example above My Routes has been selected as a folder and shows up blue.

You now need to select which folder you wish to import your GPX files(s) into. Alternatively you can create a new folder with the New Folder button.

  1. Press the 'Import' button.

  1. A File Open Dialog will be displayed:

You can select one or more files to import. Multi-selection is made easier using the standard mouse clicks along with using either the shift or ctrl keys in a normal Windows fashion.

When you have made your selection(s), press the 'Open' button.

  1. OMN will now open each file in turn, and save it to the directory you chose. If you imported just one single file, OMN will also automatically open the file for you.